Historical development of Western music after the Ancient times
Historical development of Western music after the Ancient times
The first song is a simple psalmody as it could be heard in the early times of Christianity.
In these times the Church modes were not used as theoratical basis.
In this song the tune is Phrygian. The last tone of the song defines the mode.
The second chant is from a later period. The melody is more artistical and ornamented.
The mode of the first part (when the chorus is singing) is Lydian. The basic tone is fa.
In Lydian we have the si natural. The interval fa-si creates an augmented fourth. It was called devil’s interval and avoided.
Beginning of the first part: fa major chord fa-la-do. Si naturel at the end of the picture. In the melody it creates a typical sharpness.
The melody is often resting on la. The intervall do-la (small third) gives the melody a minor taste.
At the end of the first chorus part, (“jubilate do omnis terra”) before the solist starts, there is a si bemol that avoids the augmented interval and leads to the fundamental tone fa. With the introduction of the si bemol the melody loses its sharpness, it becomes a clear major scale (similar to Acemasiran).